Page:Stilfrid and Brunswik (1879).pdf/23

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The King of England called again: ‘‘Where art thou, Rudolt,[1] our trust? Remember thy hardihood; let Stilfrid know thy might.” Rudolt rode down with speed. Stilfrid, looking behind him, said: “Give me the red pennon, for that colour fires the heart of a valiant man.” And taking the lance with the pennon, he rode wrathfully against Rudolt, and manfully pierced him through the body with the lance.

Thereat the King of England was sorry, and said: “Where art thou, Typartitus, Grecian hero? hesitate not; if thou standest against Stilfrid, I will give thee a ship on the sea.” Typartitus, riding to the meadow, cried out: “Where art thou, Stilfrid? Neither cross nor sign shall help thee, people shall tell a new tale of us.” Stilfrid, on hearing this, gave thanks to S. Wenceslas, and said: ‘Give me the yellow pennon, that colour is the firmness of every noble man.” Typartitus cried out wrathfully and caracoled haughtily upon his horse. Stilfrid delayed not to charge him, and soon cut short his curvetting, casting him far behind his horse, so that shield

  1. Rudolf.