Page:Stilfrid and Brunswik (1879).pdf/25

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eager to fight with Stilfrid, and called upon Stilfrid, saying: “Thy mother must bewail thee, I will cut short thy prancing; thou must not boast over us.” Saith Stilfrid: “God knoweth what will happen to me; S. Wenceslas, help me!” He also said: “Give me the azure pennon, for that colour betokeneth the skill of every man.” And thus eagerly he rushed against Tristram, smote him from his horse and pierced him through with his sword. Then he mounted his horse again merrily and rode to his king. Saith the king: “Welcome, Stilfrid, my beloved knight! The Lord God bless thee, and mayest thou live to accomplish well whatsoever thou beginnest! So long as I live, will I increase thine honour.”

The King of England called again: “Pitopas of Mezihrad![1] many will envy thine honour; I will give thee the city of Anglia,[2] if thou canst withstand Stilfrid.” Then Pitopas cried out in the lists, saying: “Stilfrid! Stilfrid! hast thou hidden thyself from me, or art thou afraid? Thou

  1. Perhaps Merseburg, which in modern Bohemian is Mezibor. Bor is a corruption of burg, which in Bohemian is hrad.
  2. Does this mean London?