Page:Stilfrid and Brunswik (1879).pdf/28

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horse, and from that stroke the soul departed. Stilfrid rode out of the lists and thanked God.

The King of England in distress called again: “Naderspan, Great Lord of Hungary! let every man give thee thanks, command thy horse to be saddled and contend with Stilfrid.” “O King, that will I do, and will fight with him manfully.” When Naderspan was in the lists, he called thus upon Stilfrid: “If thou darest to meet me, evil must betide thee from me.” Saith Stilfrid: “Why I should not dare, I know not; is it because thou art well known to the Romans? When I beseech thee, Naderspan, then and not till then, allow me to live.” Saith Stilfrid: “Give me the scarlet pennon, for that colour betokeneth the dignity of the whole knightly career.” Under the pennon he rode in a stately manner into the lists, so that beneath his horse the earth quaked. And when he came up to Naderspan, fiercely with his lance he tare his body, violently he cast him down from his horse, and springing down from his own approached him and suddenly passed his sharp sword through him.

The King of England, seeing this, said: