Page:Stilfrid and Brunswik (1879).pdf/33

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thou that art our trust! My daughter careth for thee; risk thy life and seek his life.” Saith Zibrid: “O King, thou shalt see him compelled to flee before me in the lists.” Saith Stilfrid: “What will happen, God knoweth; but if thou desirest to grant me mercy, do not grant it till I flee before thee. But I take my God for mine aid, and will cut short thy prancing.”

Then rushed they together again and smote each other mightily. It fortuned that Stilfrid gave Zibrid a wound, so that he began to give ground; speedily and mightily did Stilfrid rain blows upon him, first on one side, then on the other. Zibrid, unable to defend himself, began to flee before Stilfrid. Stilfrid pursued him and pressed him closely; then he began to hew him mightily, so that the roses fell in showers from him. With mighty strokes did he buffet him, saying: “Zibrid, are the roses already falling in showers from thee? Seest thou now, that I can be thy match? Know that thou canst not escape death.” He had hewn off all his armour from him, and Zibrid was all covered with blood. Saith Zibrid: “Ah! woe is me! never did this