Page:Stilfrid and Brunswik (1879).pdf/59

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thy right thumb. This ring has the strength of twenty-four men, but it is nothing in comparison with that against which thou hast to contend; if thou hadst a hundred such rings on each finger, it would nought avail against such might. For my father has sent several thousands at a time, desiring to regain me, but hath not been able to effect aught; how then wilt thou, alone by thyself, regain me? O wicked, faithless father! thou mightest almost have slain me in thine own castle rather than have renewed this great anguish for me! For see, dear Brunswik! and understand these golden girdles of mine; two serpent’s tails have now enveloped my feet up to the girdle, and every day from noon to evening my lord, Basiliscus, envelopes me with these serpents, and then all night long and until noon I am a pure and beautiful maiden without the serpents. And this is his custom: he comes to me three hours after noon and lies till vespers on my lap, having no other pleasance with me; and in half-an-hour, unhappy man! it thou dost not depart, thy sorrow and woe will begin.” Brunswik rose up and began