Page:Stirring Science Stories, February 1941.djvu/130

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What Causes Epilepsy? A booklet containing the opinions of famous doctors on this interesting subject will be sent FREE, while they last to any reader writing to the Educational Division, 535 Fifth Avenue, Dept. FG-2, New York, N. Y. ToAnySuit Double the life of your coat and vest with correctly I matched pants. 100,000 patterns. Every pair hand tailored to your measure. Our match sent FREE for your O. K. before pants are made. Fit guaranteed. Send piece ©f Cloth or vest today. SUPERIOR MATCH PANTS COMPANY 205 S. State St. D®pf,. 135 Chicago SIDELINE SALESMEN AND AGENTS Other novelties. Each booklet size 4% by 2%. Ten different sample booklets sent for 50c or 25 assorted for $1.00 or 100 assorted for $2.00. Shipped prepaid. Wholesale novelty price list sent with order only. J'o C.O.D. orders. Send Cash, Stamps or Money Order. Repsac Sales Co., I W. 13th St. Dept B-12, New York. N. Y. CASH FOR UNUSED STAMPS U. S. unused postage wanted at 90% face value for denominations >/«»c to 19c,. 85% face value for denominations 20c to 50c. Small lots 85% face value. MAIL STAMPS REGISTERED. Money sent by return mail GARBER SERVICE, 72 5th Ave., Dept. B-12, N. Y. C. MEN Buy wholesale and sell razor blades tooth paste, shaving cream, personal needs, etc. Send for free, complete catalogue. Keystone Rubber Co., Dept. B-12 72-5th Ave., New York City deferd.yuuh .[OUflTRY' © ■hi 1 EN LIST" «J;!.-ED SI atesarmyi BOYS AND GIRLS By sending your name and address on a posf-card, you will receive full particulars cm how to earn money and valuable prizes in your spare time. ROSS BURNS 225 W. 57th St., (8th floor) New York, N. Y. 130

Stirring Fantasy-Fiction

(Continued From Page 128)

feuds were dissolved and friendships made. When we left everyone was determined to meet again in Denver, July 4th, 1941.

Work on the Denver Convention has already been started. A Colorado Fantasy Society has been formed which seeks nation-wide membership to support the coming affair. A publication has been launched to keep up contacts, The C. F. S. Review, plans are being perfected, and the support has been gained of every major organization and publication in the country. Beyond a doubt, fantasy world interests will center around Denver this year and we would certainly urge those who want to get to know about things in fantasy to keep up with it.

Address 1258 Race St., Denver, Colo. Details of the Chicago Convention, and some of them are real funny and others real enlightening, can be had from several of the leading fan magazines and we recommend Le Zombie (Box 260, Bloomington, Ill.) and Spaceways (303 Bryan Pl., Hagerstown, Md.) for detailed accounts of the goings-on. Better send a dime along though as these boys are not sponsored.

Suggestions for this column will always be welcome. We had intended to make some remarks about our writers and our artists but the Chicon pushed that aside. Next time then. We had also in mind reviewing a few books, making remarks about some of the recent fantasy movies, and in general reviewing the various fan organizations and what they're up to. If those organizations and fan magazine publishers will keep us informed, we'll do our best to record everything that's Stirring in The Fantasy World.—DAW.