Page:Stone indictment 012419.pdf/15

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read, "Get to [the head of Organization 1] [a]t Ecuadorian Embassy in London and get the pending [Organization 1] emails . . . they deal with Foundation, allegedly."

On or about September 18, 2016, STONE sent a text message to Person 2 that said, "I am e-mailing u a request to pass on to [the head of Organization 1]," and then emailed Person 2 an article with allegations against then-candidate Clinton related to her service as Secretary of State. STONE added, "Please ask [the head of Organization 1] for any State or HRC e-mail from August 10 to August 30—particularly on August 20, 2011 that mention [the subject of the article] or confirm this narrative."
On or about September 19, 2016, STONE texted Person 2 again, writing "Pass my message . . . to [the head of Organization 1]." Person 2 responded, "I did," and the next day Person 2, on an email blind-copied to STONE, forwarded the request to an attorney who had the ability to contact the head of Organization 1.

STONE’s False and Misleading Testimony About Communications with His Identified Intermediary

31. During his HPSCI testimony, STONE was asked repeatedly about his communications with the person he identified as his intermediary. STONE falsely and misleadingly stated that he had never communicated with his intermediary in writing in any way. During one exchange, STONE falsely and misleadingly claimed only to have spoken with the intermediary telephonically:

Q: [H]ow did you communicate with the intermediary?
A: Over the phone.
Q: And did you have any other means of communicating with the intermediary?
A: No.
Q: No text messages, no – none of the list, right?