Page:Stories after Nature.pdf/42

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weak as a naked sworder. If you will be revenged, let him be sent forth in a burnished car, decked in a purple vest and garlanded, with chains upon his wrists, to his new master the great king; and let his dishonourable wife take him to her arms, and pay him for his loss of peace and honour with a kiss: then he may work for the king. I fear no harm that he can do us; once known, the faith is broke. This is enough for all thy great revenge, and better than his blood. Seek not his life; I pray thee, let him live." But Frederick was boisterous, and demanded his life, and would by no means listen to the feelings of Christian; saying, he would act no farther in the cause if every article was not obeyed; so that Christian, finding he was not to be pacified, agreed to draw lots with him, which should have the disposal of the prisoner. Humanity was repulsed; for Frederick won it, and condemned him to death, swearing an oath that he should die. Christian, finding nothing would prevail upon him to relinquish his design, came down, and folding his arms about Gustavus, embraced him, saying, "Care not, we are parted but for a little time. I will be always anxious to do more than I have done, as being mindful of the sorrow you feel at having left undone so much. You see I