Page:Stories by Foreign Authors (French II).djvu/108

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then, that the gentry complain that they can hardly get a roasted rabbit out of all their rabbit warrens."

Bauzec grinned with delight at this acknowledgment of his heroic deeds. He fumbled in his bag, and brought out four fine rabbits, on whose white breasts the little track of blood showed where the ferret had sucked their veins. That little creature evinced a strong fellow-feeling with his master, looking complacently upon its victims, and licking its lips and whiskers with its small red tongue.

To the miller's question as to whether he was willing to sell them, Bauzec replied:

"Not here; I shall get a better price for them at the tavern in Crozon, as well as a glass of firewater into the bargain."

So saying, he replaced his booty in the bag, lingered for a moment or two as if in indecision, and then prepared, to leave without any further salutation. But he suddenly recollected himself, drew one of the rabbits out of the bag again, and threw it at Dinorah's feet, with the bold yet shy manner of a rough youth who would willingly be gallant but does not know how.

"It is the finest of them," muttered he; "the little saint may keep it if she will."

Dinorah looked at him gravely, almost severely. But her father pushed away the present with his foot, and said rudely: "Take thy game along