Page:Stories by Foreign Authors (French II).djvu/205

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ENGLAND Thb Box Tunnel By Charles Reade Minions op the Moon . . . By F. W. Robinson The Four-Fifteen Express . By Amelia B. Edwards The Wrong Black Bag . . By Angelo Lewis The Three Strangers ... By Thomas Hardy Mr. Lismore and the Widow . By Wilkie Collins The Philosopher in the Apple Orchard By Anthony Hope IRELAND The Gridiron By Samuel Lover The Emergency Men . . . . By George H. Jessop A Lost Reqruit By Jane Barlow The Rival Dreamers .... By John Banim Neal M alone By William Carleton The Banshee Anonymous ITALY A Faithful Retainer . . By James Payn BiANCA By W. E. Norris Goneril By A. Mary F. Robinson The Brigand's Bride . . By Laurence Oliphant Mrs. General Talboys . . By Anthony TroUope FRANCE A Lodging for the Night . By R. L. Stevenson A Leaf in the Storm ... By Ouida A Terribly Strange Bed . . By Wilkie Collins Michel Lorio's Cross ... By Hesba Stretton A Perilous Amour .... By Stanley J. Weyman