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And the answer was never received from Haralal, where he wanted to go.


broker. This word meant originally a “ broacher,” one who broached or made a hole in casks of wine to test their value for sale. Then it came to mean a middleman in a sale.

attorney. This word comes from the Old French “ tourner ” meaning to turn. The original sense of the word is “one who turns or transfers (property),” and thus it comes to mean one who is appointed to do legal business in the name of another. Compare the phrase "power of attorney.”

mortgage. This comes from the two words “ mort-” meaning “ death ” and “ gage ” meaning “ pledge,” — a death pledge. It is used for the transfer of property as a pledge or guarantee that the debt will be paid. Compare mortuary, mortal, mortify, mortmain; also compare engage, disengage, wage, wager.

repulsed. From the Latin “ puls-” meaning “ to drive.” This Latin root has another form “ pel,” also meaning “to drive.” We have thus two series of words: — repel, impel, compel, expel, dispel, and repulse, impulse (noun), compulsion, expulsion.

amiability. This word comes from the Latin “ amicus ” friend and is the same in origin as “ amicability.” Compare amicable and amiable.

salary. This originally meant "salt-money” from the Latin “ sal ” meaning “salt.” First, it meant the “ salt-money ” given to soldiers, then it meant a fixed pay. Compare the use of namak in India, — namak khānā, — which is somewhat similar.

liliputian. This word has come into the English language from a famous story book called “ Gulliver’s Travels.”