they get older. And now may he prosper in this excellent post! May his pay increase and his position improve. This is our blessing upon him!"
Bijai, looking affectionately upon his brother, replied—"Your blessings go with him, Mahashoi!"
The next morning Binod, sitting with his brother's children in the verandah, said to them—"You have not yet seen what I have brought for you!"
"What, Uncle? What have you brought for us?"—clamoured the children.
Binod, opening a trunk, gave to one a gutta percha monkey, to another a red ball, to a third a lady doll. The children began to jump with joy. Looking into the amiable countenance of his sister-in-law, Binod said—"Do you not ask what I have brought for you, Bou Didi?"
"What have you brought, brother?"
"How can I?"
"What would you like it to be?"
"What would I like to get? Let me think a little. Not a monkey; there is one in the house already."
Binod, affecting anger, exclaimed—"Sister-in-law! Do you call my elder brother a monkey?"