Fuller and he has since been appointed a Government Pleader?"
This was a critical point in Subodh's life. What he had said in joke, he began to consider in an earnest manner. After thinking for a few moments he said—"You are right. A Government Pleadership would be the salvation of me, Jagat. But how am I to proceed in this matter?"
Jagat Babu took it merely as a joke and said—"Can you compose a poem in English?"
"No, I haven't rhymed two words together in my life."
"Try. Compose a poem and get it printed in gold. Distribute it to all and sundry, including the officials, the day Mr. Fuller arrives—and forward a copy to His Honour also. The Government Pleader of Faridsing, as Chairman of the Municipality there, did not care to present an address of welcome to Mr. Fuller. I hear that there is trouble over the matter and I shouldn't be at all surprised if you stepped into his shoes in the near future."
Subodh sat silently, engaged in deep meditation.
Jagat Babu in his waggish style went on—"Take your pen and a sheet of paper. I will help you. I used to write verses at one time. How should we begin? 'Hail Fuller—Lord of East Bengal'—what next? How should we rhyme it?"