the harm? One gets tired of going about in torn clothes and tattered shoes and being insulted at every turn of the road by one's creditors."
Jagat Babu maintained silence for a little while. Then he said—"What do you intend doing?"
"I will decorate my house nicely."
"Will that serve your purpose?"
"Oh no, that's only a prelude—only the sowing of the seed. After that, things will take shape themselves. Affairs will take such a turn that I am bound to attract Mr. Fuller's favourable notice;—and my desire will be accomplished."
"Are you sure of the final result? You might reap nothing but thorns of abuse and calumny you know."
"I am quite sure. But I will require your good offices."
"What should I do?"
"That I will tell you from time to time as the affair developes. Just at present you need only go about vilifying me to people as a traitor to my country."
Jagat said smiling—"Oh yes, I can do that easy enough."
"But you must be very careful, my boy. Don't let anybody suspect that there is this understanding between you and myself."
"I shall take care."