Jhow, the tamarisk tree.
Kachowri, a kind of pastry filled with bruised pulse.
Kala admi, black man.
Kartal, small cymbals made of brass.
Khalassi, a station porter.
Khansama, a house steward.
Khas camera, private chamber.
Khitmadgar, a table servant.
Khodawand, master, lord.
Khoka, baby.
Kothi, house.
Kotwali, the chief police station in a towrn.
Krishna, a Hindu God, the tenth incarnation of Vishnu.
Kurta, a kind of tunic.
Lakh, a hundred thousands.
Lathi, a bambooo club.
Loochi, a soft thin flour cake fried in Ghee.
Lota, a small water pot made of brass or bell-metal.
Maidan, a plain.
Maro, shoot.
Mem Saheb, a European lady.
Modi, a grocer.
Mofussil, the country as distinguished from the town.
Mridang, a small drum.
Muktear, an attorney.
Narayan, an epithet of Vishnu.