material has been introduced as the result of other researches, although these entail no responsibility on the State either as regards facts or the conclusions drawn therefrom. Most of the spadework of this brief story was done by Professor C. G. Bhanu, to whom the most grateful thanks are given.
Mahratta history is, and always will be, full of surprises for the enterprising student; and that is why the present task has been so interesting, so romantic, and, at times, so thrilling, especially when the stirring days have been lived over again in the writer's imagination. And as for the battles of wits as well as arms of the Indian Amazons, no story is deserving of greater attention, and it is the author's only regret that in this work the doings of Maharashtra's famous women Queens could receive such scant attention.
Thanks are also due to Mr. A. D. Parasnis for permitting the reproduction of the paintings of Bajirao I, Shahu with Balaji Bajirao, and Madhavrao I from the famous Parasnis collection at Satara; whilst we also tender thanks to the Chitra Shala Press for the use of the pictures of Bajirao, Tarabai, and Mahadji Scindia.