Page:Story of the little white mouse, or, The overthrow of the tyrant king (1).pdf/2

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Ancient history furnishes an example of a king and queen so tenderly attached to each other, that nothing was wanting to make their felicity complete. Their wishes and their sentiments corresponded exactly on all subjects; they went frequently to hunt, killing various sorts of game, and the stag often became the object of their amusement, or the victim of their exertions; they visited the rivers for the diversion of fishing; and, in short, whatever gratified the one, became a source of real delight to the other. Their subjects followed so amiable an example, and thus the happiness of all the nation consisted in mutual exertions to make others happy.

The king of an adjoining state, whose manners and dispositions were directly contrary, conceived a deadly hatred against the king of the Land of Pleasure; for so the country was called, on account of the tranquillity and joy that constantly prevailed there. He was a declared enemy to pleasure;