Page:Storys of Prince Lupin (1).pdf/8

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year to find out a web of cloth fine enough to go through the eye of a small needle.

This request, though unjust, they thought it best to comply with: and our prince mounted his wooden horse, and returned with speed to his White Cat, on which alone he depended for assistance. He found her laid on a quilt of white satin. As soon as she saw him, she expressed the utmost joy while the prince caressed her in the most tender manner, and told her the success of his journey. The White Cat redoubled her efforts to render the prince more happy, if possible, than he had been before. He wished for nothing but the hands which brought it to him ; and the second year rolled away so fast, that the prince would again have forgot his orders, had not the White Cat reminded him thereof: "But make yourself perfectly easy concerning the web," said she, "for I have one wonderfully fine. Take this walnut; be sure to crack it in your father’s presence, and you'will find in it such a web as you want."

The prince thanked her in the most grateful manner; and was presently carried by the wooden horse to his father's palace, where his brothers had got before him. They pulled out their webs, which were exceeding fine, and would go through the eye of a large needle, but could not be made to