Page:Strange and remarkable prophecies and predictions of the holy, learned and excellent James Usher, late Archbishop of Armaugh (sic).pdf/2

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Strange and remarkable Predictions of that holy, learned and excellent Biſhop, JAMES USHER late Primate of Ireland.

THE Author of the Life of this excellent and worthy Primate and Archbiſhop, gives an Account, That, among other extraordinary Gifts and Graces which it pleaſed the Almighty to beſtow upon him, he was wonderfully endued with a Spirit of Prophecy, whereby he gave out ſeveral true Predictions and Prophecies of Things a great While before they came to paſs, whereof ſome we have ſeen fulfilled, and others remain yet to be accompliſhed: And tho' he was one that abhorr'd Enthuſiaſtick Notions, being too learned, rational and knowing, to admit of ſuch idle Freaks and Whimſies; yet he profeſt, "That ſeveral Times in his Life he had many Things impreſt upon his Mind, concerning futrue Events, with ſo much Warmneſs and Importunity, that he was not able to keep them ſecret, but lay under an unavoidable Neceſſity to make them known."

From which Spirit he foretold the Iriſh Rebellion Forty Years before it came to paſs, with the very Time when it ſhould break forth, in a Sermon preached at Dublin in 1601, where, from Ezek. 4. 6. diſcourſing concerning the Prophet's bearing the Iniquity of Judah Forty Days, the Lord therein appointed a Day for a Year: He made this direct Application in relation to the Connivance at Popery at that Time; From this Year (ſays he) will I reckon the Sin of Ireland, that thoſe whome you now embrace ſhall be your Ruin, and you ſhall bear this Iniquity. Which Prediction proved ex-actly