ney ſaw it ſtark naked, ſitting aſtride upon the iron, to which the pot-hooks were faſtened; whence they took it down without the leaſt hurt, and ſo far from being frightened, that it ſeemed by its monſtrous ſmiles to be very well pleaſed at theſe pleaſant exploits.
Several other merry Pranks played by center Mother Shipton, in Revenge of ſuch as abuſed her.
AS our Urſula grew up to riper years ſhe was often affronted by reaſon of her deformity, but ſhe never failed to be revenged on thoſe that did it. As one day all the chief of the pariſh being together at a merry meeting, ſhe coming thither occaſionally on an errand, some of them abuſed her by calling her the devil's baſtard, and hag face, and the like; whereupon ſhe went away grumbling, but ſo ordered her affairs, that when they ſat down to dinner, one of the principal yeomen, had, in an inſtant, his ruff which in theſe days they wore, pulled off and the ſeat of an houſe of office