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Strange and Wonderful Prophecies
by the Lady Eleanor Audeley,
who is yet alive, and lodgeth
in White-hall.

TO [1] Sion most belov'd I sing
[2] of Babylon a Song,
Concerns you more full well I wot
than ye do think upon.
[3] Belshazzar, lo, behold the King
feasting his thousand Lords;
Phebus and Mars prais'd on each String,
every day records.

The Temple Vessels of Gods house
boldly in drunk about:
His [4] own (tis like) were made away,
bids holy things bring out;
[5] Praising of Gold and Brass the gods,
of Iron, Wood and Stone,
[6] See, hear, nor know, but now alas
praised in Court alone.

  1. Those that believe this porphecy.
  2. So she frequently called the Bishops and Courtiers of England.
  3. The late King Charles whom in all her books she called Belshazzar; because the wall of the Banqueting house at White-Hall, where he feasted, should be terrible to him, as a writing on the wall was to Belshazzar, which proved true, for there he was beheaded.
  4. Here she prophecied of his pawning and selling of his plate.
  5. The pulling down of the pictures and Organs in Churches.
  6. All did rise against him but the Court faction.