[Act I
think she would eat some nice minestrone—good Italian vegetable-soup?
Buchanan’s Voice
Why, much obliged, Mrs. F., but I really can’t get her to eat a thing.
Mrs. Jones
[Rising and looking upward]: Tell her she ought to keep up her strength. She’s got two to feed, you know.
Buchanan’s Voice
Excuse me, she’s calling.
Mrs. Jones
[Crossing to the railing, at the left of Mrs. Fiorentino]: You’d think it was him that was havin’ the baby.
Mrs. Maurrant
She’s such a puny little thing.
Mrs. Fiorentino
[With a sigh]: Well, that’s the way it goes. The little skinny ones have them and the big strong ones don’t.
Mrs. Maurrant
Don’t take it that way, Mrs. Fiorentino. You’re a young woman, yet.