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Page:Strength from Eating.djvu/140

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bones soften and the muscles never develop if it is depended upon to furnish nourishment for the body.

"The gluten of cereal foods is their nitrogenized element, the element on which depends their life-sustaining value, and this element is, in the white and foolishly fashionable flour, almost entirely removed, while the starch, the inferior element, is left behind and constitutes the entire bulk and inferior nutriment of such flours. To use flour from which the gluten has been removed, is almost criminal."—Dr. Cutter of Harvard University in the American Medical Weekly.

No wonder some children never grow, and are always sick and weak! When fed on such a starvation diet as this nothing else could be expected.

The use of this one article of diet has caused thousands to suffer with digestive troubles. It is especially favorable to constipation, and is frequently the sole cause of this annoying trouble.

A grain of wheat contains the elements nec-