an examination, that anyone can make for himself, it is revealed that taste is the faithful sentinel of the stomach, of the tissues and of the brain, whose guidance and warning, if heeded, will give hertofore unknown enjoyment to eating, and at the same time insure perfect health and the maximum of strength."—Horace Fletcher.
How many human beings eat their meals because it is meal time! They have no desire for food, absolutely no appetite, but they feel that it is their duty to eat.
Poor fools!
Duty, indeed! Why, friends, every mouthful of food swallowed without appetite is an outrage committed against tHe stomach: an outrage so fearful that every organ of the body is dulled and deadened by it. And those very persons who abuse themselves in this way are often the loudest in their condemnations of intemperance-alcoholic intemperance.
If the real facts were known, these sinners against the appetite, against the stomach, are the victims of an intemperance that is far more