can be accomplished unless you are careful to see that pure air is supplied at all times. Pure cold air is one of the greatest tonics in the world. I do not personally believe that it has ever injured any one, except where the temperature has been so low, and exposure so great, as to actually freeze a part of the body. Colds, though apparently produced in numerous instances by exposure, are really made possible because of the existing impure condition of the blood. In other words, if enjoying perfectly normal health, there is not the slightest danger of a cold.
Impure air is especially the cause of consumption. Thousands are to-day dying of this disease where it has been wholly produced by this one cause. They "catch a cold " and from that moment live in constant fear of fresh, pure air, and the result is that the cold never disappears, gradually becomes worse and worse, the impurities in the body increase in quantity, and the microbes of this disease finally secure such a strong hold upon the lungs that they sap life rapidly. No matter how care-