Because the influence of cold air tends to bring every organ into a more normal vigorous condition, and when a cold is produced, it is simply one step toward recovery or normal health. The system was over-loaded with impurities at the time of exposure, and the cold air created the cold as a means of assisting in the elimination of these impurities.
A cold never injured a single human being. It is the treatment for colds that produces death, from pneumonia, consumption and hundred of other serious diseases that often follow colds.
The influences which fill the system full of impurities are the real cause of colds. This condition is brought about usually by over-eating, lack of exercise, breathing and re-breathing confined air, or over-loading the body with clothing, or any excess or evil habits that lessen the vigor of the body.
To cure a cold, you simply use every possible means to assist in the elimination of the impurities which are being expelled by the cold. When these impurities are all eliminated the