exercise the greatest moderation in his eating, and must totally discard all stimulants and narcotics. A great share of the cases of apoplexy occur when the stomach is full. The increased clearness of intellect which results from abstemiousness will repay one for all the self-denial practised."—J. H. Kellogg, M.D.
The continued strain on the digestive apparatus caused by overeating not only weakens the general digestive powers, but the entire muscular and nervous system as well, as it suffers severely in consequence of this. That "tired feeling" is always present. You never have any energy—all your enthusiasm seems to have disappeared. The impure condition of the blood would naturally cause this, but the fact that all the energies are spent in the endeavor to right the digestive disorders, to rid the stomach of the loads that are continually being forced upon it, no doubt does much to influence this condition.
"Gluttony imposes upon the body a quantity of matter which is underdone; that is, under-