of concentrating the mind upon any subject entirely disappears.
Another unfortunate result of overeating is the entire disappearance of a normal appetite. One cannot tell by the appetite what the system mostly needs. He or she simply eats until a feeling of fullness indicates that the stomach is crammed to its capacity, as a packing case, and that it is time to cease, instead of eating until hunger has been appeased. As explained in a previous chapter, eating, without appetite, is an outrage against the stomach. The victim of overeating always eats without appetite. He may have a desire for something—anything to relieve his unsatisfactory feelings—but a normal craving for food needed to nourish the body, he really never experiences.
These victims of overeating are sometimes thin, even to emaciation. They so overcrowd their digestive organs that really every particle of vital energy is used to rid themselves of the never-ending supply. Others assume chronically a bloated appearance, though the skin looks rough and unwholesome in appearance