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Page:Strength from Eating.djvu/78

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work of any kind should be attempted for sometime after. All the energies of the body are then needed to digest, and nothing should be allowed to interfere with this important work. This meal could be eaten in the middle of the day though the best time would naturally be in the evening after the day's work is done. It should of course precede the time for retiring several hours, as the work of digestion is not usually carried on with the same energy during sleep as when awake.

Many object to this plan because of the fear of overloading the stomach. There is but little danger of this if the rules in reference to proper mastication are followed. It is only when the food is hurriedly bolted that the appetite is unable to indicate when sufficient food has been eaten, and when you blunt and deaden the sense of taste by such unnatural speed in eating you must not complain if it fails in its duty.