tarian diet gives one far greater endurance than the meat diet. It makes a better quality of muscle. The theory is maintained that the food in meat has already been used by the animal from which it was secured, and, in eating his flesh you really secure nourishment second hand. The life principle in the vegetable matter, that the animal converted into flesh, has been partly consumed by him, and in eating his flesh you are simply able to extract what remains.
There is no doubt that a better quality of blood is made from a vegetarian than from a meat diet. There is less danger of overeating. Many say that the average vegetarian does not seem as vigorous as the meat eater, and there is a certain degree of truth in this claim, but it must be remembered that vegetarians are not stimulated up to the highest point as meat eaters usually are. Furthermore, meat eaters are more often addicted to the use of alcohol than are vegetarians. This naturally adds more flesh, and gives them a more vigorous appearance in the eyes of those who are unfamiliar