Page:String Figures and How to Make Them.djvu/402

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Many of the methods employed in these figures are new and difficult; among the familiar ones we find Klamath and Navaho movements; one figure begins with the opening of the Loyalty Islands "Well," and. another with the opening of the "Leashing of Lochiel's Dogs." We find no instance of the typical Caroline Islands extension of the finished pattern, and no record of the occurrence of the "Real Cat's-Cradle." At Nunivak Island, the Eskimo name for a cat's-cradle string is ayahaak, "play string," and for the game itself, ayahowsit, "play with a string."


(x) "A Ship," umiakbuk (Fig. 806), from King Island, near Cape Prince of Wales. A further clevelopment of the figure forms "Two 5'Ien" (Fig. 807).