Page:Stringer - Lonely O'Malley.djvu/311

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As the strange ship drew still closer the two silent watchers made out a dashing turkey-feather in the hat of each member of the crew. They also discerned that the Captain's face wore a dark and unchanging scowl, and that his voice was unnecessarily hoarse as he called out his word of command.

The two old captains exchanged glances.

"Hail 'em, Henery!" said Cap'n Steiner, shaking a bit.

Cap'n Sands raised his hand to his mouth, and let forth an old-time bellow.

"Ship a-hoy! What ship is that?"

Eight startled oars hung poised in the air. There was a hurried consultation on board. Two heads in particular tried to hide themselves behind the bulwarks. Was it right for pirates to say just who and what they were?

"Why, bless my soul! If that ain't my Sarah's boy! My young grandson, sir, and look at him! And his mother 'tarnally sayin' he's too delicate in the chest to pick the potato-bugs off'n the vines!"

It was Cap'n Steiner who spoke, blinking down at his weakling offspring with startled