Page:Stryker's American Register and Magazine, Volume 6, 1851.djvu/403

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Statistics—The Congress of the United States.


The Senate is composed of two members elected by the legislature of each State for the term of six years. Of course, the number of Senators is now 62. The Vice-President of the United States is President of the Senate. In his absence, a President pro tempore is chosen by the Senate.

The House of Fepresentatives is composed of representatives from each State, in the ratio of 1 to every 70,680 of the population. The present number of members is 232; and there are two delegates, one from Oregon and one from Minnesota, who have a right to speak but not to vote. The compensation of the members is $8, and that of the Speaker $16 per day, during the session, and $8 for every twenty miles' travel in going and returning.


A Table exhibiting the names of the Seats of Government, the periods of Elections, and Meeting of Legislatures.

g Seats of Times of holding Times of the Meeting of Government. Elections. the Legislatures. Maine Augusta 2d Monday in September 2d Wednesday in January. N. Hampshire Concord 2d Tuesday in March 1st Wednesday in June. Vermont Montpelier 1st Tuesday in September 2d Thursday in October. Massachusetts .... Boston 2d Monday in November 1st Wednesday in January. ^^°de island j J-jir i 1st Wednesday in April j ^^0^^ iKctober. Connecticut Hartf'rd & N. Hav 1st Monday in April 1st Wednesday in May. New York Albany Tu. after 1st Mon. in Nov 1st Tuesday in January. New Jersey. Trenton Tu. after 1st Mon. in Nov 2d Tuesday in January. Pennsylvania Harrisburg 2d Tuesday in October 1st Tuesday in January. Delaware Dover 2d Tuesday in November 1st Tues. in Jan., biennially. Maryland Annapolis 1st Wednesday in Nov 1st Wednesday in January. Virginia Richmond 4th Thursday in April 1st Monday in Dec, bienn. N.Carolina Raleigh 1st Thursday in August 3d Monday in Nov., bienn. S. Carolina Columbia 2d Monday in October 4th Monday in November. Georgia Milledgeville Ist Monday in October 1st Monday in Nov., bienn. Florida Tallahassee 1st Monday in October 1st Monday in Nov., bienn. Alabama Montgomery 1st Monday in August 2d Monday in Nov., Jf'enn. Mississippi Jackson 1st Mon. and Tu. in Nov 1st Monday in Jan., bienn. Louisiana Baton Rouge Ist Monday in November 3d Monday in Jan., bienn. Texas Austin 1st Monday in August December, biennially. Arkansas Little Rock 1st Monday in August 1st Monday in Nov., bienn. Tennessee Nashville 1st Thursday in August 1st Monday in Oct., bienn. Kentucky Frankfort 1st Monday in August 1st Monday in December. Ohio Columbus 2d Tuesday in October 1st Monday in Jan., bienn. Indiana Indianapolis Ist Monday in August 1st Mon.iii Jan. 4A Illinois Springfield Tu. after 1st Mon. in Nov 2d Monday in Jan., bienn. Missouri Jefferson City 1st Monday in August Last Monday in Dec, bienn. Michigan Lansing 1st Tuesday in November 1st Monday in January. Iowa Iowa City 1st Monday in August 1st Monday in Dec, Aienn. Wisconsin Madison Tu. after 1st Mon. in Nov 1st Mondav in January. California San Jos6 Tu. after 1st Jlon. in Nov 1st Monday in January.

  1. In vol. v. page 222, will be found a notice of the Government of the United States—Executive, Cabinet officers, and Judiciary.