Commissioner Dubobwig was very funny about it. "So Doctor Swishtail would not pay you for the boots, eh, Mr. Stiffelkind?"
"No; he said, ven I asked him for payment, dey was ordered by a yong boy, and I ought to have gone to his schoolmaster."
"What, then, you came on the bootless errand, ay, sir?" (A laugh.)
"Bootless! no sare, I brought de boots back vid me; how de devil else could I show dem to you." (Another laugh.)
"You’ve never soled ’em since, Mr. Tickleshins?"
"I never would sell dem; I svore I never vood, on porpus to be revenged on dat Stubbs."
"What, your wound has never been healed, eh?"
"Vat de you mean vid your bootless errants, and your soling and healing? I tell you I have done vat I svore to do; I have exposed him at school, I have broak off a marriage for him, ven he vould have had tventy tousand pound, and now I have showed him up in a court of justice; dat is vat I ave done, and dat’s