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Cite as: 600 U. S. ____ (2023)

Sotomayor, J., dissenting

motivated Dred Scott and Plessy” are the ones who support race conscious admissions. Ante, at 39. The plethora of young students of color who testified in favor of race-consciousness proves otherwise. See {{nsl2|supra, at 46–47|#46]}; see also infra, at 64–67 (discussing numerous amici from many sectors of society supporting respondents’ policies). Not a single student—let alone any racial minority—affected by the Court’s decision testified in favor of SFFA in these cases.


In its “radical claim to power,” the Court does not even acknowledge the important reliance interests that this Court’s precedents have generated. Dobbs, 597 U. S., at ___ (dissenting opinion) (slip op., at 53). Significant rights and expectations will be affected by today’s decision nonetheless. Those interests supply “added force” in favor of stare decisis. Hilton v. South Carolina Public Railways Comm’n, 502 U. S. 197, 202 (1991).

Students of all backgrounds have formed settled expectations that universities with race-conscious policies “will provide diverse, cross-cultural experiences that will better prepare them to excel in our increasingly diverse world.” Brief for Respondent-Students in No. 21–707, at 45; see Harvard College Brief 6–11 (collecting student testimony).

Respondents and other colleges and universities with race-conscious admissions programs similarly have concrete reliance interests because they have spent significant resources in an effort to comply with this Court’s precedents. “Universities have designed courses that draw on the benefits of a diverse student body,” “hired faculty whose research is enriched by the diversity of the student body,” and “promoted their learning environments to prospective students who have enrolled based on the understanding that they could obtain the benefits of diversity of all kinds.” Brief for Respondent in No. 20–1199, at 40–41 (internal