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Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/73

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Mark's Gospel–Lowland Scots Version (c. 1520).

Chapter IV., Verses 1-20.

1. Ande eftir Jesus began to teche at the see: and mekile pepile was gaderit to him, sa that he went into a boot, and sat in the see; and al the pepile was about the see on the land. 2. And he taucht thame in parabilis mony thingis, and he said to thame in his teching, 3. Here ye; lo, a man sawand gais out to saw: 4. And the quhile he sawis, sum sede fell about the way and briddis of heuen com and ete it. 5. Vther fell on stany places, quhare it had nocht meikle erde; and anon it sprang vp, for it had nocht depnes of erde: 6. And quhen the sonn raase vp, it wallowit for heete; and it dried vp, for it had nocht rute. 7. And vther fel doun into thornis, and the thornis sprang vp, and strangilit it, and it gafe nocht fruite. 8. And vther fel doun into gude land, and gafe fruite springand vp and waxand; and aan brocht furthe threttifald, aan sextifald, and aan a hundrethfald. 9. And he said, He that has eeris of hering, here he. 10. And quhen he was be himself, tha that war with him askit him to expone the parabile.

Notes to the Scots Version.

2. Taucht, pret. of teach, preserving the strong guttural.

4. Ete, pret. of the strong verb, eat.

5. Erde, Sc. yird: verb and noun, yirdit—buried, showing pa-part. prefix ge-

6. Wallowit, withered: Go. walwjan, to roll, wallow, Sc. derivative form, wiltit.

Luke's Gospel—Wulfila's Version.

Chapter II., Verses 4-20.

4. Urran than jah Iosef us Galeilaia, us baurg Nazaraith, in Iudaian, in baurg Daweidis sei haitada Bethlahaim, duthe ei was us garda fadreinais Daweidis,

5. Anameljan mith Mariin sei in fragiftim was imma queins, wisandein inkilthon.

6. Warth than, miththanei tho wesun jainar, usfullnodedun dagos du bairan izai.