Page:Studies in constitutional law Fr-En-US (1891).pdf/185

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Act of Settlement, 26, 33

dynastic order ignored, 34
substance of, 35–36

Act of Union, see Ireland and Scotland

America, see United States

Arbitration between constituent states in U.S., 169–170

Aristocracy, political, absence of in U.S., 124

Assemblies constituent and legislative, 46

distinction wanting in England, 46–48


Bagehot on representative assemblies, 94

Bankruptcy, leniently treated in U.S., 128

Bill of Rights—

place in English written Constitution 26, 30, 45,
omission of religious liberty, 32
omission of freedom of press, 32
means of enforcing, 33


Cabinet (see also Ministers)—

unknown to written law, 19
King’s presence at 23

Cabinet (see also Ministers)—

affected by Act of Settlement, 36

Chamberlain, Mr., on doctrine of resistance, 37

Channel Islands not part of United Kingdom, 11

Church, Established, nature of, 11

Clergy (English), electoral rights of, 20, 21

Colonies (English), government of, 14

Congress (U.S.)—

Ministers excluded from, 85, 95
Bills, how reported to, 97
Committees of, 96, 100, 101

“Commons,” etymology of, 157


place of in English Constitution, 8, 18, 20, 26, 154
revolutionary nature of, 37–38

Conseil, Monsieur, 59


English, see English
French, see French
United States, see United States
variance of English and French conceptions, 3, 5, 12, 38
written, inconveniences of, 6
effect of geographical position on, 104–110
study of spirit of, 110
precise sense of the term, 154

Constitutional documents study of original texts, 57–61