Page:Subversive Activities Control Act, 1950 (McCarran Internal Security Act) (PL 81–831, 64 Stat. 987).pdf/30

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PUBLIC LAWS—CH. 1024, 1024—SEPT. 23, 1950
64 [Stat.


Sec. 28. (a) Section 333 of the Nationality Act of 194054 Stat. 1156.
8 U.S.C. §733.
, as amended, is hereby amended to read:

"Sec. 333.Preliminary examinations on petitions for naturalization. (a) The Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner shall designate employees of the Service to conduct preliminary examinations upon petitions for naturalization to any naturalization court and to make recommendations thereon to such court. For such purposes any such employee so designated is hereby authorized to take testimony concerning any matter touching or in any way affecting the admissibility of any petitioner for naturalization, to administer oaths, and to require by subpena the attendance and testimony of witnesses, including petitioner, before such employee so designated and the production of relevant books, papers, and documents, and to that end may invoke the aid of any court exercising naturalization jurisdiction as specified in section 301 of this Act54 Stat .1140.
8 U.S.C. §701.
; and any such court wherein the petition is filed may, in the event of neglect or refusal to respond to a subpena issued by any such employee so designated or refusal to testify before such employee so designated, issue an order requiring such person to appear before such employee so designated, produce relevant books, papers, and documents if demanded, and testify ; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt thereof. The record of the preliminary examination authorized by this subsection shall be admissible as evidence in any final hearing conducted by a naturalization court designated in section 301 of this Act.

"(b) The record of the preliminary examination upon any petition for naturalization may be transmitted to the Commissioner and the recommendation with respect thereto of the employee designated to conduct such preliminary examination shall when made also be transmitted to the Commissioner.

"(c)Recommendation. The recommendation of the employee designated to conduct any such preliminary examination shall be submitted to: the court at the hearing upon the petition and shall include a recommendation that the petition be granted, or denied, or continued, with reasons therefor. In any case in which the recommendation of the Commissioner does not agree with that of the employee designated to conduct such preliminary examination, the recommendations of both such employee and the Commissioner shall be submitted to the court at the hearing upon the petition, and the officer of the Service in attendance at such hearing shall, at the request of the court, present both the views of such employee and those of the Commissioner with respect to such petition to the court. The recommendations of such employee and of the Commissioner shall be accompanied by duplicate lists containing the names of the petitioners, classified according to the character of the recommendations, and signed by such employee or the Commissioner, as the case may be. The judge to whom such recommendations are submitted shall, if he approve such recommendations, enter a written order with such exceptions as the judge may deem proper, by subscribing his name to each such list when corrected to conform to his conclusions upon such recommendations. One of each such lists shall thereafter be filed permanently of record in such court and the duplicate of each such list shall be sent by the clerk of such court to the Commissioner.

"(d)Restriction on withdrawal of petition. After the petition for naturalization has been filed in the office of the clerk of the naturalization court, the petitioner shall not be permitted to withdraw his petition, except with the consent of the Commissioner . In cases where the Commissioner does not consent to withdrawal of the petition, the court shall determine the petition