Page:Subversive Activities Control Act, 1950 (McCarran Internal Security Act) (PL 81–831, 64 Stat. 987).pdf/41

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64 Stat.]
81st CONG., 2d SESS.—CHS. 1024, 1024—SEPT. 23, 1950

possessions, or whether such knowledge has been acquired solely by reason of academic or personal interest not under the supervision of or in preparation for service with the government of a foreign country or a foreign political party, or whether, by reason of employment at any time by the Department of Justice or the Central Intelligence Agency, such person has made full written disclosure of such knowledge or instruction to officials within those agencies and such disclosure has been made a matter of record in the files of the agency concerned;

(2) Any past act or acts of espionage or sabotage committed by such person, or any past participation by such person in any attempt or conspiracy to commit any act of espionage or sabotage, against the United States, any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any public or private national defense facility within the United States;
(3) Activity in the espionage or sabotage operations of, or the holding at any time after January 1, 1949, of membership in, the Communist Party of the United States or any other organization or political party which seeks to overthrow or destroy by force and violence the Government of the United States or of any of its political subdivisions and the substitution therefor of a totalitarian dictatorship controlled by a foreign government.

(i) The authorization of the Attorney General and the Board of Detention Review to consider the evidence set forth in the previous subsection shall not be construed as a direction to detain any person as to whom such evidence exists, but in each case the Attorney General or the Board of Detention Review shall decide whether, on all the evidence, there is reasonable ground to believe the detainee or possible detainee probably will engage in, or conspire with others to engage in, espionage or sabotage.

(j)Evidence of Income lost by claimant. In any proceeding involving a claim for the payment of any indemnity pursuant to the provisions of this title, the Board and its hearing examiners may receive evidence having probative value concerning the nature and extent of the income lost by the claimant as a result of his detention.


Sec. 110. (a)Revocation of order of detention. If upon all the testimony taken in any proceeding for the review of any order of detention issued pursuant to section 104 (d) of this titleAnte, p. 1022., the Board shall determine that there is not reasonable ground to believe that the detainee in question probably will engage in, or conspire with others to engage in, espionage or sabotage, the Board shall state its findings of fact and shall issue and serve upon the Attorney General an order revoking the order for detention of the detainee concerned and requiring the Attorney General, and any officer designated by him for the supervision or control of the detention of such person, to release such detainee from custody ; and shall forthwith serve a copy of such order upon the detainee.

(b)Claim for indemnity. If upon all the testimony taken in any proceeding for the review of any such order for detention involving a claim for indemnity pursuant to this title, or in any other proceeding brought before the Board for the assertion of a claim to such indemnity, the Board shall determine that the claimant is entitled to receive such indemnity, the Board shall state its findings of fact and shall issue and serve upon the Attorney General an order requiring him to pay to such claimant the amount of such indemnity ; and shall forthwith serve a copy of such order upon such claimant. If upon all the testimony taken in any proceeding involving a claim for indemnity or for the ascertainment