Page:Subversive Activities Control Act, 1950 (McCarran Internal Security Act) (PL 81–831, 64 Stat. 987).pdf/7

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64 Stat.]
81st CONG., 2d SESS.—CHS. 1024, 1024—SEPT. 23, 1950

any facility so listed ; whereupon such management shall immediately post conspicuously, and thereafter while so listed keep posted, notice of such designation in such form and in such place or places as to give reasonable notice thereof to all employees of, and to all applicants for employment in, such facility.

(c) As used in this section, the term "member" shall not include any individual whose name has not been made public because of the prohibition contained in section 9 (b)Post, p. 996. of this title.


Sec. 6. (a) When a Communist organization as defined in paragraph (5) of section 3Ante, p. 990. of this title is registered, or there is in effect a final order of the Board requiring such organization to register, it shall be unlawful for any member of such organization, with knowledge or notice that such organization is so registered or that such order has become final

(1) to make application for a passport, or the renewal of a passport, to be issued or renewed by or under the authority of the United States; or
(2) to use or attempt to use any such passport.

(b) When an organization is registered, or there is in effect a final order of the Board requiring an organization to register, as a Communist-action organization, it shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the United States to issue a passport to, or renew the passport of, any individual knowing or having reason to believe that such individual is a member of such organization.

(c) As used in this section, the term' member" shall not include any individual whose name has not been made public because of the prohibition contained in section 9 (b)Post, p. 996. of this title.


Sec. 7. (a) Each Communist-action organization (including any organization required, by a final order of the Board, to register as a Communist-action organization) shall, within the time specified in subsection (c) of this section, register with the Attorney General, on a form prescribed by him by regulations, as a Communist-action organization.

(b) Each Communist-front organization (including any organization required, by a final order of the Board, to register as a Communistfront organization) shall, within the time specified in subsection (c) of this section, register with the Attorney General, on Q. form prescribed by him by regulations, as a Communist-front organization.

(c) The registration required by subsection (a) or (b) shall be made

(1) in the case of an organization which is a Communist-action organization or a Communist-front organization on the date of the enactment of this title, within thirty days after such date ;
(2) in the case of an organization becoming a Communist-action organization or a Communist-front organization after the date of the enactment of this title, within thirty days after such organization becomes a Communist-action organization or a Communist-front organization, as the case may be; and
(3) in the case of an organization which by a final order of the Board is required to register, within thirty days after such order becomes final.

Registration statement.(d) The registration made under subsection (a) or (b) shall be accompanied by a registration statement, to be prepared and filed in98352°—51—PT. 1—63