Page:Suggestive programs for special day exercises.djvu/23

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His most marked characteristic was his artless simplicity. He was absolutely free from all pomposity or affectation, and yet possessed of a certain native dignity that never forsook him. In spite of his angularities and disregard for all conventionality, this simple dignity impressed all observers, and an accomplished foreigner well expressed it when he said, “ He seems to me one grand gentilhomme in disguise.”

He was slow and deliberate in his decisions, but Senator Sherman said of him, “When he puts his foot down, it is with the determination and certainty with which our generals take their steps.”

Tender-hearted as a woman, he would weep like a child over a story of woe; and his law partner, Mr. Herndon, declared that Lincoln more nearly approached the angelic nature than any person he ever saw, women not excepted, and speaks of his "angel-looking eye and face." This partner also testifies to his strict fidelity to principle in every way and especially to his sterling honesty. He relates that whenever Lincoln collected any money belonging to the firm, he would always fold up half, writing upon the wrapper "Billy" (the name by which he called his partner), and then lay it away in his pocket-book until it could be given over to its owner. It was this strict honesty in earlier days, when clerking in a small store, that caused him to walk some distance one evening to return 6½ cents to a lady with whom he had made wrong change, and at another time to carry a half pound of tea to a customer with whom a mistake in weight had occurred. And it was just such incidents as this that earned for him the only title he ever cared for, "Honest Abe."

Perchance no other man has ever had a greater number of descriptive adjectives applied to him—brave, true, patriotic; industrious, patient, persevering; kind, sympathetic, loving; unselfish, devout, earnest; often sad and sorrowful, yet withal shrewd, alert, droll—it has been truly said that his life will be forever a growing power and blessing to the human race.