Autobirds of Passage
By mountain and mole-hill to Vancouver. Chapter IX in the Log of the Sunset Car
Illustrated in colors
That Jim!
Illustrated by Louis Rogers GEORGE VAN SCHAICK 328
Editorial Comment on Western Affairs Illustrated Staging the Big Show An inside story of what is going on behind the scenes at the Panama-California Exposition at San Diego Interesting Westerners Jack London (Henry Meade Bland); Miss Donaldina Cameron (Laura Bethell; William Roderick Ross (F. Gordon Smith); John Muir (Harold French) The Pulse of the West . . WALTER V. WOEHLKE .. WALTER V. WOEHLKE 336 347 368 Verse, etc., The Basket (L. Worthington Green) 267; Love Antoinette DeCoursey Patterson) 290; The Sierra Club Lover (Laura Bell Everett) 317; Assurance (Arthur Wallace Peach) 335; A Creed (David Leslie Brown) 346; The Silent Partner (Drawing by Clifton Meek) 366 Development Section The Enchanted Valley of the Rogue (Emerson Holt) Sunset Service Bureau . Motor Notes. 380 384 Published monthly by Sunset Magazine, William Woodhead, Business Manager, Sunset Building, San Francisco. Two dollars and fifty cents a year, foreign subscriptions one dollar additional for postage. Canadian subscriptions fifty cents additional. Entered at the San Francisco postoffice as second-class matter. Copyright 1914 by Sunset Magazine. Lewis VI Page 397 Index to Advertisements Automobiles, Motorcycles, Accessorles Modern School of Cor. Page 246 Mt. Tamalpais Military Acad. 244 Packard Motor Car Co.. Household Furniture and Necessities Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. 381 Page 400 National Salesmen 246 Power Gas Products Co. 395 N. E. Conservatory of Music Amer. Tel. & Teleg. Co. 375 244 Saveze Tires 217 Oregon Agric. College. Hill Dryer Co. 390 245 Win on Motor Car Co. 396 Orton School for Girls National Incinerator Co. 402 244 Realty Extension School Nyoil 387 246 Baking, Investments and St. Helens Hall Pyrene Mfg. Co. 367 244 Insurance Boyd, David B. 238 St. Mary's Academy & College Staunton Military Academy. Skat 387 245 Three-in-One Oil 385 245 Continental Casualty Co." Whittemore Bros. & Co. 391 236 Dominion Stock & Bond Corp. 240 Food Products Jewelry and Silverware Golden Land & Investment Co. 236 Gorham Co. 248 Langner, J. & Co.. 241 Amer. Sugar Ref. Co. 393 Paragon Oil Co. 242 Power Cities Inv. Co. 243 Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes 390 Campbell's Soups Hamilton Watch Co. 212 365 Miscellaneous Sharp & Irvine 242 Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes Building and Construction Genasco Roofing 383 4TH COVER Libby, McNeill & Libby 3RD COVER National Biscuit Co. Amer. Writing Machine Co.. 387 Campbell, J. P. 217 371 Dixon, Jos. Crucible Co.: 392 General Fireproofing Co. 373 Postum. 369 Hunt, Robt. W. Classified Advertisements. 247 236 Classified Advertising 247 Hotels, Resorts and Travel Eastman Kodak Co. 379 Evans, Victor J. & Co. 391 . Educational Alexandria Hotel 221 Folmer & Schwing 377 Arrowhead Hot Springs 222 Gibbs, Dr. Jno. Wilson 391 Annie Wright Seminary 246 Brentwood Hotel 222 Humboldt Iaqua Water Co. 393 Bassett Institute 246 Calif. Hot Springs. 222 Hygeia Nursing Bottle Co. 392 Belmont School 244 Cathedral Park 222 Mahler, D. J. 392 Brunot Hall 245 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Mothersill Remedy Co. 223 Calif. School of Arts and Crafts 246 Paul Ry 234 Murad Cigarettes 387 Castilleja School for Girls 244 Mill Valley & Mt. Tamalpais Murray & Ready 237 Cincinnati Conservatory of Ry 222 Omar Cigarettes Music 246 Co-op. Schools Agency Mt. Tamalpais Sanitarium 222 opposite pp. 386-387 246 North German Lloyd 218 Trans.-Cont. Freight Co. 223 DeKoven School for Boys 246 Oceanic S. S. Co. 218 Typewriters Dist. Syndicate 393 Dickson School of Memory 246 Pacific Electric Ry. 219 U. S. Envelope Co. 393 Evans, W. S. School of Cartoon- Perry Hotel, Wash. 236 ing 244 Southern Pacific Co. 221 Grouse, Chas. K. Motors, Engines and Accessories 246 Stewart Hotel 222 Harker's School for Girls 246 Washington Hotel Annex 236 Gray Motor Co. 393 Hatfield, M. L. 246 Wilbur Hot Springs 222 Herron Co., R. H. 237 Int. Correspondence Schools 385 Yosemite Valley Ry. Co. 220 McConway & Torley Co. 247 (Continued on next page) 460303 213 394 RECADE CO