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By A, B. Poole, No 66, Chesnut Street.


THE HEARTS OF STEEL, an Irish Historical Tale of the last century, by the author of the Wilderness, O'Halloran, &c. &c. 2vols. 12mo.

THE GENTLEMtNA'S MEDICAL VADE MECUM AND TUAVELLING COMPANION— Containing a concise state- ment of the most known and certain causes, symptoms and modes of curing- every disorder to which he is liable, with directions for his conduct in case of accidents, on the road or at sea, in plain English.

COJYVERSJTIOJVS OJr JSOT^Jrr, with 21 coloured engraving's. The object of this work is to enable young persons to acquire a knowledge of the vegitable productions of their native country ; for this purpose the arrangement of Linnaeus is briefly explained ; and a native plant of each class (with a few exceptions) is examined, and illustrated by an engraving ; and a short account is added of some of the principal foreign species.

VIEWS OF WEST PO/^T.— Just published, the

United States Military Academy, West Point from Fort

' Clinton ; West Point from the Cadet's Monument ; the

Highlands from West Point ; coloured Aquatints, from

Drawings by Thomas Doughty.


being a pocket Dictionary of their most admired passages. The whole alphabetically arranged according to the sub- jects.

JUVENILE LIBRARY. — 4. R. P. has constantly fov sale, a most extensive collection of Juvenile BDoks, at all prices — London and American editions — also, a great vari-

ty of instructive and amusing Games, Dissected Maps, 8tc.

The Enchanted Plants and Fables of Flora, Illustrated with 12 highly finished coloured engravings of Flowers, Wood cuts, and engraved title, &c, eleg-antly bound.