Page:Surprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck.pdf/21

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of the death of my mother, and asked the Board of War for six months leave of absence to go to Dantzick, in order to concert with my brothers and sisters on the steps necessary to be taken, relative to any possessions that had been confiscated in Prussia. I obtained it; and in the month of May, set off for that city, where I fell a second time into the hands of the Prussians.

The people of Vienna concerned in my cousin’s effects, by several base schemes and false insinuations, endeavoured to get me again into the hands of the Prussians, that they might quietly enjoy that fortune which was justly my due.

My brothers and sister came to me at Dantzick, in May. We passed a fortnight together, and shared my mother’s fortune.

The Baron’s pleasures were short lived; the Magistracy of Dentzick, intimidated or bribed by the King of Prussia, whose revenge was still unsatisfied, when he was on the very eve of departing from their city, arrested and surrendered him into the bands of that despot; and with a strong escort he was conducted to the Garrison of Magdeburgh in Prussia.”

The King ordered a new dungeon to be built on purpose for me, and prescribed the forms of the chains I was to wear. When I was led to it, good Heaven! what did I perceive; but two locksmiths with their hammers and anvil, and the whole floor was covered with chains of about 68 pounds