the enlightening rays of the full orbed moon, I was soon at a considerable distance.
I now lived upon such fruits as I sound in the woods and travelled with all my might, in such a direction as I hoped would lead me to the shore, from which I judged I could not be far distant: but a few days incessant and unsuccessful travel convinced me that I had steered a wrong course, and knew not how to proceed. For two days I had the good fortune to pursue my journey in peace, without falling in with any kind of enemies. However, on the afternoon of the third day, I heard a great disturbance amongst the trees, and was greatly alarmed on hearing the well known whistling of an adanty. I instantly made up to a lofty tree, which was luckily near me, and began to ascend it for safety: but before I was many feet above ground, the wandering enemy approached the tree and was very near catching me by the heels. However, being a little above its reach I soon got to such a height that it could by no means come near me, and secured myself amongst the boughs of the tree. Notwithstanding my elevated situation, the enraged beast seemed very unwilling to quit me. It furiously tore up the underwood and small trees that were around me for a considerable distance rooted up a considerable quantity of earth about the tree I was upon; ran madly round the tree, and made several attempts to ascend it. When it perceived that these efforts failed, it endeav-