duration; for on the third or fourth day after their commencement, the sweat of my body happening as it frequently did, to wash some of the paint off me, one of the company perceived the natural colour of my skin, and immediately running up to me examined me more minutely, and then called on his companions, to acquaint them with his discovery. The whole tribe were instantly in an uproar; every individual would examine for themselves the traits of native fairness that were discovered in me: and there was such a chattering amongst them as I had never before heard since I entered the forest. When their surprise was over and their curiosity satisfied, they placed me amongst the rear company, and loaded me with dead animals, so that my fate was so familiar to what it had been amongst the other tribe This tribe are called Buckeraws, they are well shaped, and very robust, yet exceedingly light and active
About the tenth month of my captivity, whilst the rest of the company were securely laid around their nocturnal fire, I quietly mounted our Chief’s little nag, and finding a pretty clear tract through the forest, rode near a hundred miles before ever I drew bridle, except to divide a little flesh which I had taken with me, to supply us during our journey; and after a long and tedious journey of several days, I arrived within the Spanish territories, where I was apprehended by the Governor as a spy, and condemned to be impris-