and hearing that I was an injured Englishman, she had determined to visit my dismal habitation. Being a lady of high rank, and opulent circumstances, she soon prevailed on the Governor to free me from a great part of my setters; and, during the remainder of my long confinement, supplied me plentifully with candles to light my irksome habitation, and likewise sent me, from her own table a comfortable repast of chocolate twice a day together with a sumptous dinner and supper; so that my fare was now excellent, and I had little to discompose me, but the wretched crew with whom I was doomed to inhabit.
After remaining three years in the subterraneous den, without ever beholding a glimpse of light, except when carried before the Governor, I was conveyed prisoner to the Havannah; where I was soon released by an exchange of prisoners: and being put on board of a carrel ship, in a few weeks I was safely landed on my native shore.