into the iKiLure of life and iU background and tries to ex- plain t-.iway thib intelligent, living force as the product of chemiQal action of the organ'ic cells, is no Physiology at all. '.Cell is not life, but there is life in a cell. Cells may be called the true bearers of li-fe. Dr. Weismann insists that it is more correct to sppak of the continuity of the general protoplasm than of "the germ ceils." Professors Geddes and Thomson observe that, "the bodies are but the torches which burn out, while the living flame has passed through- out the organic series unextinguished. The bodies are the leaves which fall in dying from the continuously growing branch. Thus although deafh take inexorable grasp of the individual, the continuance of the life is still in a deep sense unaffected ; the reproductive elements (cells) have already claimed their protozoan immortality, are already recreating a new body.'" But to invest these reproductive cells with immortality, and to deny the same to the individual self, which directs and controls these protoplasms, and is before and behind them, is like the statement of Prof. Huxlev when he admits the chance of the physical transmigration of the organic constituents of the human body, and yet denies the possibility of an individual self continuing in any other form. "It is sensibility," observes Sushruta, "that precedes the senses ; and self, the sensibility proceeds from the self to which all such conditions are referred as mine."
Sushruta's Theory of Cosmogony is based on the old S;inkhya Duality of Prakriti (Objective) and Purusha (Subjective). The two are coeval and co-extensive realities. Out of the Avyakta (unmanifest) or Prakriti has evolved the Mahai, the (inimatcd cosmic matter. Out of this cosmic matter has evolved Ahamk;ira (the sense of indivi- dualit- or more correctly egoism) which is divided into thrt-e kinjs such as the Vaikarika (phenomenal, ihought-fornii, Taijasa (kinetic), and Bhut;idi (pertaining In il^e first form of matter). This '"aik;irika Ahamkara in combination with the Taijasa Ahamkara has fathered