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Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/47

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been lately demonstrated by "the researches" of Prof. Von Ott. (I).

'Sexual Diamorphism :— Some light is thrown on the relative preponderance of the sperm and ovum in the Birth of a female child. "When the maternal element prepon- derates the child is female ; when the 'fraternal element is stronger the child is malfe. When both the elements are equal, the child is of no sex.'" In theory at least Sushruta admits the possibility of the birth of many children at a single conception. "When the seed is divided into two by its inherent force (Vayu), twins are born in the womb" — a statement which points to the 'irresistible conclusion that multiplicity of birth is the outcome of the multifarious fission of the seed in the womb under certain abnormal conditions. Sushruta gives a reason for believing that, in exceptional circumstances, and without sexual union, the unfertilised ovum may give rise to perfect oflTspring, thus giving a prevision of the modern theory of parthenogenesis. Pathological parthenogenesis has occasionally been noticed in higher animals. Oellacher has noted this in respect of hen's eggs, and Janosik has observed it in the ovarian ova of many mammals such as the guinea-pig, etc. (2) Sushruta extends the probability to the human ova under certain conditions. He admits the possibility of conception without the admixture of the male germinal element, though he observes that like all asexual genesis" the development dots not proceed far in the case." From such a hypothesis it is but one step to the theory which enunciates the possibility of conception withou? proper sexual union.

But to understand his theory of sexual diamorphism, it

(1) Vide the chari of menstrual wave prepared by V*n Ou given in ilan and Woman '(Havelock and Ellis) Chap. XL

(2) The Evolution of Sc.k Ch. XIII. P. 1S5. , rn>/. p. r,eihlclfn,(} J. A, Thnmps.m.