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Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/101

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Chap. XVII.]

type (of any of these six affections) purging should be induced with castor oil taken through the vehicle of milk. Administration of Traiphala-Ghrita is also recommended for purgative purposes, especially in the Pittaja blood-origined types. Purging with (clarified butter duly cooked with) Trivrit should be induced in types having their origin in the deranged Kapha, while oil duly cooked with Trivrit should be administered (for the purpose) in cases of affections having their origin in the concerted action of all the three deranged Doshas. The use in any shape of old and matured clarified butter, kept in an iron vessel, proves beneficial in cases of Timira of any type. Clarified butter cooked with (the Kalka and decoction) of Triphalá or Meshaśringi always proves efficacious in Timira of any type. The patient should be made to lick a compound of powdered Triphalá with a copious quantity of clarified butter in cases of Pittaja blindness, with oil in the Vataja type, and with a copious quantity of honey in the Kaphaja type, of this disease (Timira — loss or darkness of vision). 19-21.

The use as a Navana (errhine) of a medicated oil cooked and prepared with the decoction of cow-dung would be attended with beneficial results in all types of Timira. Clarified butter *[1] alone is beneficial in the Pittaja type; similarly clarified butter prepared by churning the milk of a ewe or a she-goat and cooked with the admixture of the drugs of the Madhura (Kákolyádi) group would prove beneficial in the Pittaja type of Timira. Oil cooked with the drugs of the Sthirádi (Vidári-gandhádi) or the Madhura

  1. * Some say that this clarified butter is to be prepared from the milk of a ewe or she-goat